[Is Intelligent Design (ID) really science? Or is it a kind of disguised creationism? Two contending explanations of evolutionary change, Darwinism and Intelligent Design (ID), have been fighting proxy battles in the United States in recent months.
The issues underlying the debate over evolution are complex and come with a long and bitter history stretching back to the Nineteenth Century. ID, the theory that some biological structures are so complex that an intelligent designer must have intervened in shaping their development, is supported by many Christians, especially in the United States. Apart from its scientific merits, they feel that it defends the existence of God. While many scientists call ID a kind of disguised creationism, many Christians retort that their children are being taught disguised atheism in biology classes.
To shed some light on the topic, MercatorNet (22 November 2005) interviews a philosopher who has been tracking the debate: Dr. Santiago Collado, lectures in the Philosophy of Nature at the University of Navarra, in Spain. He is reseaching the philosophical underpinnings of the intelligent design movement. ]
#287 Varios Categoria-Varios: Etica y Antropologia
By Michael Cook
_______________________Two contending explanations of evolutionary change, Darwinism and intelligent design (ID), have been fighting proxy battles in the United States in recent months. Earlier this month, two cases were settled with each side claiming a victory. In the small town of Dover, Pennsylvania, voters tossed out eight out of nine members of a school board which had backed ID. A judge is still deliberating over a court challenge which was reported throughout the world. And in Kansas, the State Board of Education narrowly approved a set of guidelines which highlights gaps in the Darwinian explanation of evolution. ID supporters described it as “a huge victory for students”.
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